Phoenix FC Constitution
1. The name of the club shall be Phoenix Football Club (Phoenix FC). This name will appear on all club material, equipment, clothing and correspondence. The name will not be shortened or abbreviated in any circumstances.
2. The objects of the club shall be to promote, foster and develop football in the community for all ages, and to provide facilities for that purpose.
3. All committee work shall be voluntary. The playing status of all members shall be amateur.
4. The management of the Club shall be invested in the Executive Committee, consisting of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Club Secretary, Treasurer, and not more than 6 other elected committee members. The executive committee may co-opt members of the club to fill any casual vacancy on the executive committee that may occur.
5. The Executive Committee shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) of the club.
6. The club colours shall be any combination of black and sky blue of any design the Executive Committee may from time to time determine. The change colours shall be wine and white.
7. The club shall be non-sectarian, non political and non-militant.
Membership of the club shall be composed of the following:
Executive Committee:
All members of the Executive Committee
Associate Membership:
Managers, and assistant managers of club teams. Such persons will be entitled to associate membership, at no cost to them, as long as they remain as team managers and assistants.Lifelong members. A lifelong member is a person who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has made an outstanding contribution to the club (or the former Ashtown Villa, Ashtown United, Villa Park Rangers, Ards FC, Kinvara Boys FC or Kinvara Ards FC) for a period in excess of ten years.
Non-playing persons passed as Associate Members by the Executive Committee and who have fully paid the subscription rate as determined by the Executive Committee. Junior and senior players. Such persons shall not be entitled to vote at an AGM or EGM.
The subscriptions of associate members to the club shall be decided at the A.G.M.
The A.G.M of the club shall be held on or before 30th June each year, for the following purposes:
- Confirm the proceedings of the previous general meetings.
- Receive and consider the secretary's report of the year's workings of the club.
- To receive and consider the treasurer's statement of accounts and balance sheet made up to date, and the report of the auditors thereon.
- To elect an Executive Committee for the club to consist of a chairperson, Vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer and six active members associated with Phoenix FC.
- Any member may propose another member and another member must second his proposal. If these conditions have been fulfilled and no objection has been raised the member shall then be deemed nominated and may stand for election to the executive committee. Nominations must be given to the club secretary, 7 days in advance of the AGM. If a sufficient number of nominations have not been received, nominations may be taken at the AGM.
(b) In order to be eligible for election to the Executive Committee a person must be a member of the club for a period of 2 years prior to the date of the A.G.M.
(c) If there are more proposals than places on the Executive Committee, an election will be held to determine the Executive Committee.
(d) At elections two members agreed upon by the majority of those
present shall act as scrutineers.
(e) Any member may be proposed, seconded and put forward for
election in his/her absence. However, he must indicate to the out-going club secretary, in writing, before the meeting that he is willing to go forward for election.
- Elect two independent auditors.
- Amend, delete or introduce new rules to the rulebook. Any changes should be addressed to the club secretary prior to the meeting. Changes may be taken on the night. Any changes must be accepted by two thirds of the voting membership present on the night.
- Transact any other business.
Executive Committee
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held monthly in the first week of the month or at the club secretary's discretion.
- All Executive Committee members shall hold one vote each on deciding matters at Executive Committee meetings.
- The chairperson shall hold the deciding vote but may only vote if a decision is required.
- The chairperson shall be deemed to be the Executive Committee member chairing the meeting on the occasion of that meeting.
- Any decision arrived at by the Executive Committee shall be considered binding on all members of the Executive Committee whether present or not.
- At least two-thirds of the Executive Committee must be present for a meeting to be held.
- All Executive Committee members shall be indemnified by the club against all costs, damages compensation and expenses incurred in or about the discharge of club duties, except such as occur from his own willful acts.
- Minutes shall be taken at all meetings.
8. Any officer or member of the Executive Committee found guilty of misconduct or neglect of duty to the club will be suspended from office pending the convening of a general meeting to consider this misconduct or neglect of duty, whichever the case may be. If, after hearing such member in his defence, or giving such member an opportunity to defend himself, a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting, vote for the removal from the Executive Committee or the expulsion from the club, such member will, immediately, cease to be a member of the Executive Committee or the club, whichever the case may be.
9. Any member of the Executive Committee, absenting themselves, without prior notice to the club secretary, from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee or more than 25% of the meetings of the Executive Committee, will cease to be a member of such committee and the Executive Committee will declare their seat vacant.
11. The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees and may delegate all or any of their power to them. Any sub-committee so formed will, in exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to these rules, and to any regulation the Executive Committee may from time to time impose on them. An Executive Committee member may take part in said sub-committees.
12. The Executive Committee may determine the quorum necessary for the transaction of its business, but a quorum shall consist of no less than five members, one of whom shall be an officer. They shall hold their meetings monthly, and any additional meetings as they may deem necessary.
13. The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the club, and shall conduct the business in accordance with the club's rules. In the absence of the chairman, the Vice-chairman will preside. The chairperson shall not be entitled to a deliberate vote, but, in the case of an equality of votes on any motion, the chairperson shall be entitled to a casting vote.
14. The club secretary will keep a roll of membership of the club duly entered up with names and addresses correctly written therein. He/she will enter up all the minutes of all Executive Committee meetings, together with sub-committee meetings, AGM and general meetings and will produce and read same at the appropriate occasions. The minutes of all will be available on request to any member of the club. He/she will conduct all correspondence of the club.
15. The treasurer shall receive all monies accruing to the club and generally take control of all the finances of the club and shall account to the Executive Committee. All expenditure, with the exception of match fees, must be vouched, either by invoice or receipt. The funds of the club shall be lodged in such bank or banks, approved of by the executive committee. All cheques shall be signed by any two of the treasurer, club secretary and chairperson.
- All the club funds must be raised with permission of the Executive Committee only.
- No team or member within the club shall raise money without due permission of the Executive Committee. All moneys raised shall be channeled through the treasurer.
- The treasurer shall provide a financial report every month to the Executive Committee.
16. The appointed auditors shall audit the balance sheets of the treasurer, and for that purpose shall have access to all the books and accounts of the club, and shall examine the general statement and annual receipts and expenditure funds and effects of the club, and shall verify same with the accounts and related vouchers and shall either sign them as being correct and duly vouched or shall specially report to the club in what respect they find them incorrect orunvouched.
17. The executive committee shall decide on the insurance of players, the payment of physiotherapy/medical fees, for injuries when involved in club activities, and shall provide details to all members
18. The executive committee may call a general meeting, as they may deem necessary. A general meeting shall also be called upon receipt by the club secretary of a letter, from a club member, stating the reason for calling the meeting. The general meeting will also be subject to the following
- The member’s letter must be signed by twenty members, or twenty five percent of the club membership, as well as his/her own signature.
- The club secretary must call for a meeting to be held within fourteen days of having received the letter.
- No general meeting may be held with less than one third of fully paid up members present
- Members shall receive seven days notice of the meeting.
- At all meetings, the chairperson shall preside, or in his/her absence one of the Executive Committee.
- Only members of Phoenix FC (as outlined in section 7) will be entitled to vote on any matters at the AGM or any general
- meeting that may be called
19. Any member whose annual subscription is unpaid or who is in arrears of contributions exceeding eight weeks will be disqualified from taking part in any club activities.
20. If the conduct of any non-playing member, member or team manager, in the opinion of the executive committee, be injurious to the good name or interests of the club, the person concerned may be called to appear before the disciplinary committee. In the case of a playing member, the disciplinary committee shall be composed of club secretary, chairperson, team manager of the member involved and 2 other Executive Committee members. In all other cases of a playing member, the disciplinary committee shall be composed of club secretary, chairperson, and 2 other Executive Committee members. The Executive Committee may, after receiving the recommendation of the disciplinary committee, reprimand, fine, suspend or request that person to resign. The member must be notified, at least 24 hours in advance, of any disciplinary meeting called by the Executive Committee. Misconduct may be deemed as any of the following
(a) Abuse, verbal, written or physical, of another member of the club
(b) Abuse, verbal, written or physical, of officials before, during or after a game
(c) Abuse, verbal, written or physical, of schoolboy players
(d) Misuse or theft of Club funds
(e) Misuse, damage to or theft of Club equipment or property
(f) Showing disrespect to any member of the Executive Committee
(g) Failing to pay club subscription.
(h) Failing to train regularly.
(i) Failing to report on appointed timesbefore games.
(j) Players/managers/club officials sent off for misconduct before, during or after a game.
(k) Misconduct before, during or after training
(l) Players/managers reporting for training or matches under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(m) Failing to abide by the club/league/association rules.
The club secretary must notify the person, in writing, the Executive Committee’s decision. If the person does not accept the decision of the executive committee, he/she may appeal the decision, in writing to the club secretary, within seven days of receiving the decision. The appeal will be heard by a general meeting of the club membership. The general meeting will consider the misconduct charge and the Executive Committee decision, only. If a majority of two-thirds ofthose present and voting, vote for acceptance of the executive committee’s decision, the person must accept the decision. If the decision is not endorsed by the meeting, alternate proposals may be accepted and voted on, subject to the two-thirds majority acceptance. If any associate member, member or team manager refuses to attend without a proper excuse, the hearing shall continue in his/her absence. Any vote held at such meeting must be by secret ballot.
21. Members must pay any fine imposed, by the various leagues or governing bodies, themselves. In extreme circumstances, the executive committee may meet to reconsider and may decide to pay such fines on behalf of that member.
22. Only persons properly registered with the respective league may play for the club in a competitive game. It is the responsibility of the individual team managers to ensure all players used are correctly registered.
Junior Section
23. The junior section is further subject to the following rules
- Players joining the club to play at under 7 and under 8 shall be assessed, graded and assigned to play in a league appropriate to their ability and stage of development.
- Players making the transition from 7-a-side football to 11-a-side football at age 11 shall be assessed, graded and assigned to play in a league appropriate to their ability and stage of development. Teams, which played for Phoenix FC in the previous season at under 10, shall merge and form new teams at under 11.
- All boys/girls must play in their own age group except in circumstances whereby it is deemed more beneficial to the player to play a year above his/her age group. This decision will be made in conjunction with the football committee and the team managers.
- All birth certificates must be shown to the Club Registrar before each boy/girl must play for the Club.
- A register shall he kept of all boys/girls birth certificates
- Any boy/girl who joins the club during the course of the season must show a birth certificate to the Executive Committee before he/she may play for the Club
- Players, or Managers, may not switch teams without the permission of both managers involved and the Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee, in liaison with the appointed Football Development Officer and appointed team Managers, shall determine the team and league formations each season.
- All teams must take part in a weekly training schedule
24. The Executive Committee has the power to deal with any matter not provided for in the foregoing rules.
25. The club shall have power at an AGM or general meeting, by vote of two-thirds of the members present, to rescind or amend these rules. Special propositions to alter rules must be handed in to the club secretary two weeks previous to a general meeting.
26. All members shall adhere to the Phoenix FC Code of Conduct at all times. All members should be aware of this code
27. This rulebook shall be available to all club members
28. The club, Executive Committee and members are also bound by the rulebook(s) of the league(s)/association that the club is affiliated to. A copy of all rulebook(s) should be available within the club.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint four Trustees. A trustee must be a member of the Club. The assets of the club shall be vested in these trustees.
A trustee shall remain in office until death or resignation. The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy occurring in the trusteeship.
The trustees, provided they carry out the directives of the Executive Committee, shall be indemnified against loss or expenses.
29. The income and assets of the club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the club. No portion of the club’s income or assets shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit to the members of the club.
30. If upon winding up or dissolution of the club, there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of the club. Instead, such property shall be given of transferred to some institution having their primary objectives matching the same objectives of Phoenix FC. The institution to which the property is to be given or transferred shall prohibit the distribution of its income or property among its members.
Phoenix FC Code of Conduct
1. Play to Win
Winning is the object of playing any game. Never set out to lose. If you do not play to win, you are cheating your opponents, deceiving those who are watching, and also fooling yourself. Never give up against stronger opponents but never relent against weaker ones. It is an insult to any opponent to play at less than full strength. Play to win, until the final whistle.
2. Play Fair
Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly.
Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair Play always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns you respect, while cheats are detested.
Remember: It's only a game. And games are pointless unless played fairly.
3. Observe the Laws of the Game
All games need rules to guide them. Without rules, there would be chaos.
The rules of football are simple and easy to learn. Make an effort to learn them, so you understand the game better. This makes you a better player.
It is just as important to understand the spirit of the rules. They are designed to make the game fun to play and fun to watch. By sticking to the rules, you will enjoy the game more.
4. Respect Opponents, Referees and Officials
Fair Play means respect. Opponents should be respected at all times. Referees are there to maintain discipline and Fair Play. Always accept their decisions without arguing. Abusive or foul language will not be tolerated. Officials are also part of the game and must be respected accordingly.
5. Accept Defeat with Dignity
Nobody wins all the time. Learn to lose graciously. Congratulate the winners with good grace. Don't blame the referee or anyone else. Good losers earn more respect than bad winners.
6. Reject Drugs, Racism and Violence
Watch out for attempts to tempt you into cheating or using drugs. Drugs have no place in football or any other sport or in our society. Say No to Drugs. Help Kick Racism out of Football. Treat all players and everyone else equally, regardless of their skin colour, origin or religion.
7. Promote the Interests of Phoenix FC
Phoenix FC is your club. It always needs your help to keep it as Number One. Contribute to the club by promoting the club. Contribute to the fund-raising ventures as much as you can. Encourage other people to join or watch. Support and encourage club teams other than your own. Help the club achieve its aims. Be an ambassador for the club. Be proud of the club.